Parts Plus

Used Subaru Parts

Have you been searching for used Subaru Parts?

Well then you have come to the right place! Parts Plus Australia are a leading used parts provider with a database of over 1 million vehicle parts including used Subaru parts. Whether you are looking for a gear box, engine or a whole car – we can help!

Our Find a Part system searches for the parts you need and shows you location, price and more!

Most people that use our parts finder discover what they are looking for, and when they do their next question is “but how do I get it to me?”. The answer is easy! Parts Plus offer Australia wide freight for your parts – easy!

We carry many different Subaru parts, but we often get asked about the 3rd Gen EJ25 Engine, the Subaru manual transmission and more.

You can also rest assured that before you can ever search for a part it has been assessed for quality and wear by our used parts inspectors so it can be graded accordingly. This means that you always know the condition of the parts you purchase from us. In addition, you can add peace of mind with an optional  3, 6 or 12 month ‘no fuss’ parts warranty that includes a money back guarantee.

In case you searched our parts database but couldn’t find what you were after in our system, why not just get in touch, let us know what you are trying to find and our friendly staff will be more than happy to help you out.



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