Parts Plus

Used Holden Parts

Looking for Used Holden Parts?

Why not use our Australia wide database of over 1 million parts including used Holden parts to find the engine, gear box, door or other parts you have been looking for. In fact, since we are one of the largest auto wreckers in Aus, there aren’t many parts we can’t find.

Our database of Holden parts includes parts for commodores, utes and 4×4.

Enter the details below to check the availability and location of parts today!

Great, you found it! But now what? We offer Aus wide freight and delivery for your parts so that wherever you are – the parts you need can be there as well!

Some of the common parts we carry for Holden include Holden engines, Commodore engines and the legendary 5.7L V8!

Most importantly, the parts we sell are parts you can rely on! An expert parts checker checks each part for quality and wear so it can be graded accordingly. We back this grading process by offering our parts with an optional  3, 6 or 12 month ‘no fuss’ recycled parts warranty that includes a money back guarantee that applies nationwide!

Ok, so you searched but couldn’t find it in our system? No worries, just get in touch, let us know what you are trying to find and our staff will be more than happy to help.



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