Parts Plus

1.5L A5D Kia Rio Engine

Parts Plus Australia can help you find the 1.5L A5D Kia Rio Engine you are searching for!

If you need used Kia parts, then you are in the right place. Our database of over 1 million used parts is available to be searched right now, where you can find the closest 1.5L A5D Kia Rio Engine you were searching for.

The process is that easy, just enter the Kio Rio (or other vehicle) parts you need and our system will give you a list of available parts, prices and locations. Then, all you need to do is head to your local Parts Plus group member or have the parts delivered to you anywhere in Australia with an Australia wide warranty of up to 12 months.

Alright, you found the Kia engine that you were after but it’s not in your city or state? No problem! We know that the parts you need may not always end up right where you need them, which is why we deliver our used parts nationwide.

Best of all, once you receive your parts you can put them to use them with confidence. Why? Because you can cover them with a ‘no fuss’ recycled parts warranty for 3 , 6 or 12 months! That’s right, a used parts warranty.

Parts Plus offer a nationwide warranty so you never have to worry.

We are confident in the quality of the parts we sell because all of our 1 million individual parts have been carefully inspected for quality and wear/tear then graded accordingly by our staff. This means that when you buy from Parts Plus Australia you always know the condition of the used parts you are buying.

We know that searching online makes the process really easy, but sometimes you just want to deal face to face. So you can also find the closest vehicle wreckers in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane or beyond that have a 1.5L A5D Kia Engine with your name on it and then head down and see them. Just head here to search our members directly.

Parts Plus Australia are constantly working to make finding and getting the parts that you need as easy and pain free as possible. From a  Ute trayEngineGearbox or any other used part, the process has never been as easy!

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